WatsONbiz.com – An Introduction

I have been contemplating a blog for a long time now . . . . I think I have some things to share that would be meaningful to SOMEONE, possibly.  What I plan to do is post on several different topics – WatsONGod, WatsONFamily, WatsONBusiness, WatsONPolitics, you get the gist.  The great thing about a blog – it’s totally up to you.  You can take or leave whatever you like, my heart is always to unify and not divide.

I truly love and believe in God.  I believe in Jesus Christ, as my personal Lord and Savior.  I believe in family.  I believe in business.  I believe in living a healthy lifestyle, although that was not always the case – well, it’s always been the case, it was just not a priority, and took too much time and energy for me to pursue.  I can honestly say that I am the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life, and I feel better, and know I look better, even though I do hear “there was nothing wrong with you before.”  I don’t have it all figured out – I long for female mentors!  I love spending time with older females who have walked my path, and I love and support younger females who are trying to make it all work.

I look forward to sharing my life with you – I don’t intend to hold back, I plan to lay it all out there – life is short, God is great, and there’s no point in taking it all to the grave.  I do believe life experiences shape who we are, and what we see, or THINK we see in someone, is not always the case.  God didn’t call us to be perfect – THANK GOODNESS.

So, here’s to the first post!
